Legacy Baseball Sponsorships
Many players choose not to fundraise and prefer to just pay their player fees; however, many others choose to participate in fundraisers to reduce their player fees. In addition to individual teams running their own individual team scale fundraisers, Legacy provides a Banner Sponsorship program.
Players sell businesses the opportunity to have their logo placed on one team banner or on all of the teams’ banners. This is a win-win for the business and player. The business gains immeasurable exposure with thousands of families participating and passing through Legacy. The banners are hung at each team’s games which are played locally and regionally. For the player, 100% of regular sponsorship sales are forwarded towards their player fees. Many players only pay their initial deposit out of pocket!
The directions below on the banner sponsorship form must be followed completely or the funds may not make it and be credited to your account without additional legwork.
Complete the online sponsorship form and email the business logo to Scott Theisen at [email protected].
Mail the sponsorship form to legacy with the check (if you are paying with a check).
Many businesses use monies from their advertising budgets and are not concerned if their donation is made out to a non-profit or standard business. With a standard business sponsorship, 100% of the money goes immediately into your player’s account and the business may use a credit card or check. In this instance, use the “Regular Business Sponsorship Form” below.
If the business/person specifically requests a non-profit sponsorship donation, you may use the LEAD foundation. Be advised, the credit takes longer to get through the different channels and be scholar-shipped towards fees. 90% of the monies go directly towards the player’s fees. 10% goes to the LEAD foundation. In that instance, use the “Non-profit form” below. The business/person may not use a credit card for a non-profit sponsorship. Please use the “Regular Business Sponsorship Form” if a business/person does not specifically request their donation
All Legacy Coaches are required to use the Pitch Smart Guidelines
For your child’s safety, no matter what organization or team they play for, make sure their coach follows the recommended Pitch Smart Guidelines.

Legacy helps players get to the next level!
The baseball recruiting process is competitive, leaving many families unsure how to get recruited for softball. In fact, only about 5.6% of high school baseball players will compete at the college level, and approximately 0.51% will get drafted for professional ball. To top it off, not all baseball players will receive athletic scholarships. In other words, getting recruited for baseball—and getting a baseball scholarship—isn’t easy. So, what does it take to play college baseball? Athletes who have the academics, athletic talent, drive and recruiting know-how can make it to the next level.
Getting recruited is not easy, but you will have help at Legacy. You will have help and resources from staff. Our staff are former high level collegiate & former professional players who will do anything they can to get Legacy players to the next level. They will use their knowledge and connections to help you get noticed. You will not be alone in the process.