Legacy Basketball Leagues & Tournaments

Fall Basketball House – Boys & Girls Leagues – Grades 8th – 12th
The evaluation session will be from 1 – 3p on September 21st.
The Legacy Basketball Fall House League is a hybrid program that combines organized basketball and pick-up.

  1. Set teams
  2. No coach
  3. One referee per court
  4. Youth athlete empowerment

If your athlete has weekly commitments that prohibit him from practicing or playing on a team, the House League will give him the opportunity to:

  1. work on his game against comparable competition
  2. in an organized setting
  3. without the stress of playing for a coach

All athletes will be evaluated on September 21st, and then placed on a team in one of two divisions.

  1. Jr. Varsity 8th-10th grade (idealistically)
  2. Varsity 10th-12th grade (idealistically)
  3. The League will be facilitated by Coach Marv Fox Jr.

Additional League Details

  1. 5 weeks – 2 games between 10a-2p
  2. Week 5 – playoff format – Sep 28, Oct 5, 12, 19, Nov 2 (Playoffs)
  3. Legacy reversible jersey
  4. League is limited to 120 athletes
  5. Affordable cost – $150